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      1. 安徽電氣集團股份有限公司


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        電話: +86-550-7309278
        傳真: +86-550-7309288
        手機: +86-13905505237
        E-mail: 13905505237@163.com
        地址: 安徽省天長市經濟開發區天汊路128號
        QQ: 641289349
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        產品展示 > 接地線 > > Copper Clad Steel
        產品名稱 : Copper Clad Steel
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        Copper clad steel wire and strand combines the electrical characteristics of copper with the mechanical properties of steel. Often used for buried ground grid systems, overhead ground wire and messenger wire, it can resist mechanical damage during installation, as well as electrical damage during a fault condition.

        Copper Clad Steel has virtually no scrap value, greatly reducing the potential of theft.

        Dead Soft Annealed (DSA) Copper Clad Steel (CCS) conductors are a concentric lay-stranded construction. The CCS strands are a 40% conductivity grade of material using a low carbon steel core rendering greater flexibility to enable easier handling during installation.

        CCS bare conductors meet or exceed the following ASTM specifications:

      2. B-910 Standard Specification for Annealed Copper-Clad Steel Wire
      3. B-258 Standard Specification for Standard Nominal Diameters and Cross-Sectional Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires Used as Electrical Conductors
      4. B-228 Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper-Clad Steel Conductors

        NOTE: The ampacity rating and the DC and AC resistance of the Copper Clad Steel wire conductor is not equivalent to that of copper conductor.

      5. 相關產品:
        Polyethylene Covered Solid Copper-Clad Steel Wire
        Polyethylene Covered Solid Copper-Clad Steel Wire
        Tinned Bare Copper - Solid
        Tinned Bare Copper - Solid
        Copper-bonded Ground Rods
        Copper-bonded Ground Rods
        CU Weatherproof Line Wire
        CU Weatherproof Line Wire
        Bare Copper - Stranded
        Bare Copper - Stranded