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      1. 安徽電氣集團股份有限公司


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        產品展示 > 光纖復合電纜 > ADSS > ADSS All Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable
        產品名稱 : ADSS All Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable
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        The “All Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS)” cables are designed for aerial self-supporting applications at short, medium and long span distances. ADSS cables offer a rapid and economical means for deploying optical fiber cables along existing aerial rights-of-way. They are being deployed by cable television operators, telephone companies, municipalities and emerging network operators, in addition to electric power utilities.

        The ADSS cable consists of a number of tubes/elements according to the specified number of fibers. The elements are usually fiber-containing tubes; however fillers may be used to preserve the cable geometry. Two to twelve color-coded fibers are loosely laid in each tube which is filled with a water-blocking gel. The tubes are stranded around a dielectric central strength member and bound in a jacket. A water-swelling tape is helically wrapped around the cable core. Aramid yarn strength members are helically laid to supply peripheral strengthening of the cable. The outer jacket is tightly bound over the aramid yarn layer. For long span applications a double jacket design can be considered. A ripcord is located under each jacket layer to facilitate its removal. For up to 30 fiber cables, the “ADSB” design is applicable, for 32-144 fibers the “ADSC” design is applicable. Dry cable designs, ballistic protection and other cable designs are available upon request.. Standards - Cables are designed for aerial installation according to IEEE-P1 222 - Cables tested according to TIA/EIA-455 and IEC-60794-1. - Cables meet or exceed Telcordia (Bellcore) requirements for outside plant cables (GR-20) when the appropriate options are chosen.

        Default Jacket Colors
        PE HFFR SM Fibers Black Yellow MM Fibers Black Orange
        Other jacket colors may be available, please specify.

        SAG CHART
        Below are the coefficients for a standard ADSS cable containing 32 to 60 fibers in 5 tubes with a single outer jacket. The cable can be used in a span of 450 feet with NESC light conditions, 300 feet for NESC medium and 240 feet for NESC heavy conditions.
      2. Cross section area 0.196 in^2
      3. Outside diameter 0.5 in
      4. Unit weight 0.081 lbs/ft
      5. Ultimate tension 5800 lbs The following values are calculated at 68 deg.F
      6. Final modulus of elasticity 3248850 psi
      7. Thermal expansion coefficient -2.78e-7 /deg.F
      8. Stress strain A! 2973280 psi
      9. Creep A1 2625190 psi

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